Friday, January 20, 2012

Denver Nuggets Game

This year for Christmas, Trevor gave  Makenna tickets to a Denver Nuggets game.  He had taken her last year and she loved it.  Especially all the alone time with Dad.  We try very hard to spend alone time with each of our girls on "dates".  They can be as simple as a trip to Target to pick out something new, a movie and popcorn, getting pedicures or taking them out to dinner.  It is something that they all enjoy.  We also try to take just one girl with us when we can, to run an errand for some more alone time.  Just last night, Trevor took Madison with him to get gas in the car because he had to leave early the next morning.  Just little bits and pieces of alone time.  At the Nuggets game, they sat only three rows up from the court which made for an up close and personal experience:)  As the players came out of the locker room, Makenna was able to high five just about all of them, which she loved.  They made this sign to hold up that said "We Believe" (it was more for the Broncos than for the Nuggets actually).  The game started at 8 and wasn't over until 11 something so it made for a long night.  She had cotton candy, hot dogs and gatorade (she said she was scared to drink her gatorade because she didn't want to get a red mustache     on live television:)  They had such a great time!

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